assalamualaikum warrohmatullohi babarokatuh Yaqub (Alayhis salaam) was the son of Ishaq (Alayhis salaam) and the grandson of Ibrahim (Alayhis salaam). He wasa also the daughter's son of Batweel, Ibrahim's nephew. His mother was Rafqah. He was his mother's favourite. He was also loved by Esau, his maternal uncle. When Yaqub (Alaihis salaam) went to Faddan (Padan-aram) at the indication of his mother, his maternal uncle, Laban took a pledge from him that he will shepherd his sheep for ten years. This period of ten years would be his dowry in exchange of Laban's daughter. When Yaqub (Alaihis salaam) completed the ten-year period, Laban wanted him to marry his elder daughter, Laee'ah. However, Yaqub (Alaihis salaam) expressed his inclination for the younger daughter, Raaheel. Laban proffered the excuse that according to the custom it was not legal to allow the marriage of the younger daughter before the marriage of the elder one. He suggested that Yaqub (Alaihis s...