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The Origin & Keris Teori2 Backers

Kris and tosan aji and other traditional weapons become cultural treasures of Indonesia, of course, after our ancestors knew the iron. Various stone temple built in the days before the 10th century proved that the Indonesian nation at that time has come to know a pretty good iron tools, so that they could create works of sculpture of great value. But if the Indonesian people to know when it keris culture as we know it today, experts can only be felt raba.Gambar arise (relief) that shows the most ancient iron tools found on stone inscriptions found in the village of Dakuwu, in the area Grabag, Magelang, Central Java. Viewing the written form, it is estimated the inscription was made in about the year 500 AD. Letters used, the letter Pallawa. The language used is the language Sanskerta.Prasasti it mentions about the existence of a spring clean and clear. Above the inscription was written there are a few pictures, among them: trident, ax, sickle kudi, and dagger or a knife that looks very similar to the artificial dagger Sombro Nyi, a master craftsman of the period Pajajaran woman. There is also painted pitcher, kalasangka, and flowers teratai.Kendi, in Old Javanese philosophy is the epitome of science, kalasangka symbolizes eternity, while the lotus flower symbol of harmony with nature.

Some Theory
There have been many cultural experts that discuss the history of the existence and development of the keris and tosan aji. G.B. Gardner in 1936 had theorized that the dagger is stabbing weapon developments form of prehistoric times, the tail bone or eliminated a stingray sting base, then wrapped with a cloth on the stalk. As such they would be able to hold and carry. Then be a stabbing weapon is dangerous, according to the size of the time.
Meanwhile Griffith Wilkens in 1937 argued that the keris culture emerging in the 14th century and 15. He said, the shape of the keris is the growth of spear forms are widely used by the nations that inhabit the islands between Asia and Australia. From the eyes of the javelin that was later arising types of short weapons or stabbing weapon, which became known as the kris. Another reason, javelin or spear a long stalk, is not easy to carry anywhere. Difficult to be brought to infiltrate into the woods. Because at that time is not easy people get iron materials, then the spear is removed from the stem so that it becomes handguns.

Another opinion A.J. Barnet Kempers. In 1954 archaeologists suspect that the keris is a form of prototype development in the form of Bronze Age weapons awl. Keris is upstream shaped figurine depicting humans and blend with the blade, by Barnet Kempers not regarded as extraordinary items.
He said, stabbing weapon of Dong-son bronze culture is also shaped like that. Upstream is a small sculpture depicting men were standing hands on hips (poor-Kerik, the Java language). While the old-fashioned stabbing weapon ever discovered in Kalimantan, on the upper reaches of distilir also form the basic shape of hands on pinggang.Perkembangan stabbing weapon that can be compared with the development of weapons in Europe. On the continent, first, the sword also distilir of the human family forms with both arms stretched straight to the side. Upstream form the sword, after the spread of Christianity, then developed into a form similar to the cross.
In relation to the shape of the keris in Indonesia, upstream of a human-shaped dagger (which distilir), some standing, some bending, and some are squat, shape is similar to that found in megalithic statues Playen, South Mountain, Yogyakarta. In a later development, the forms were increasingly distilir again and is now a form of upstream kris (In Java, called deder, lined, or engraving) with decorative cecek, Gandul patra, patra ageng, extolled-extolled, etc..

In the history of our culture, statue or statues of people standing with slightly bent, by some experts, interpreted as a symbol of the dead. While the statue depicting humans with attitude was squatting with legs bent, considered to symbolize the birth, childbirth, fertility, or life. Same with the attitude baby or fetus in the womb ibunya.Ada sebgian experts Western nations who are not convinced that the dagger was made in Indonesia before the 14th century or 15th. They base their theory on the fact that no clear picture on the reliefs of temples built before the 10th century. Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles in his History of Java (1817) says, not less than 30 types of weapons owned and used the soldier's time Java, including firearms. But from a variety of weapon, dagger istimewa.Disebutkan occupies a position in his book, Java soldiers generally carry three pieces kris at once. Kris is worn on the left waist, derived from time-in-law of marriage (in Javanese culture called studs bun). Kris is worn on the right waist, comes from giving his own parents. Besides the various rites and ethics in the world of the keris is also contained in the book's Raffles. Unfortunately in his famous book, the British authorities did not mention anything about the history and cultural origins of the kris.
Meanwhile, the term 'kris' has been found in some ancient inscriptions. Inscribed bronze plates found in Karangtengah, dates to the year 748 Saka or 842 AD, mentions several types of offerings to establish Poh as a tax-free areas, among other offerings in the form of 'sharps', wangkiul, tewek punukan, wesi penghatap.Kres the Referring to the second inscription is kris. While wangkiul is a kind of spear, tewek punukan is double-edged weapon, such dwisula.

In painting a picture arises (relief) Borobudur Temple, Central Java, in the bottom corner of the southeast, reflected some of the soldiers carrying weapons similar to kris we know today. At Prambanan, Central Java, is also depicted on the reliefs, the giant took a similar stabbing weapon with a dagger right. In Sewu, near Prambanan Temple, also exist. Giant statues guard, slipped sebilah sharp weapon, similar keris.Sementara first and second editions were compiled by Prof. PA VAN DER Lith says, while the main stupa of Borobudur temple, built in 875 AD, it was disassembled, found a keris old. Kris was fused between the blade and the upper reaches. But it does not form kris dagger shape similar to that depicted in temple reliefs. Keris these findings are now stored in the Museum Ethnografi, Leiden, The Netherlands. Description of the dagger was written by Dr. findings. H.H. JUYNBOHL in the Kingdom Catalogue (Netherlands) Vol V, Year 1909. In the catalog that being said, Kris was classified as 'Majapahit keris', the upper reaches of the statue-shaped, the blade is very old. One side of the blade has been damaged. Keris, who was given a serial number 1834, it is the gift of GJ HEYLIGERS, secretary of the office of Resident Kedu, in October 1845. The residennya at the time was Hartman. Length of the findings of a keris 28.3 cm, length 20.2 cm upstream, and 4.8 cm wide. Straight shape, no luk.

About kris, many doubted whether since the beginning it has been placed in the center hole of the main stupa of Borobudur Temple. Barnet Kempres own dagger suspect was placed by someone in times later, long after the Borobudur Temple was completed. So it was not at the time of its construction.

There is also a suspect, keris culture has developed since the year 1000 AD. This opinion is based on the reports a person of Chinese travelers in 922 AD. So the report was made about the time of Kahuripan growing on the banks of Brantas River, East Java. According to the report, there is one Java Maharaja presented to the Emperor of China "a short swords with hilts of rhinoceros horn or gold (short sword with the upper made of of rhinoceros horn or gold). Could be a short sword that dimaksuddalam report is like a dagger protoptipe depicted in the reliefs of Borobudur and Prambanan.
A keris which is characterized by the number of years on the blade, owned by a Dutchman named Knaud in Batavia (the Dutch period first). In addition there is a keris that arise image around puppets, also dates to the year Saka 1264, or 1324 AD. So roughly contemporary with the time of the building near the city of Temple Upgrading Blitar, East Java. In this temple there was indeed a giant statue that bears Kala short dagger straight.
A clear picture of the dagger found on a statue of Siwa which dates back to the Kingdom Singasari, in the 14th century. Described by Lord Shiva was holding a long dagger in his right hand. Jelasini not a replica statue of Lord Shiva from India, because India had never seen a statue of Shiva holding a dagger. The statue is now stored in the Museum of Leiden, The Netherlands.

In subsequent ages, more and more temples are built in East Java, which has a picture of a dagger in the wall reliefs. For example in Jago Temple or Temple of Jajagu, which was built in 1268 AD. In the temple there are reliefs depicting the Pandavas (puppet) were playing dice. A painted clown-servants behind him depicted carrying keris. Similarly, the temple contained in Tegalwangi, Pare, near Kadiri, and Temple Panataran. In the second temple reliefs are painted figures holding dagger.
The story of a clearer kris can be read from the report of a Chinese traveler named Ma Huan. In his report Yingyai Sheng-lan in the year 1416 AD he wrote down his experiences while visiting the Kingdom of Majapahit.

When he arrived in the entourage of Admiral Cheng-ho on the orders of Emperor Yen Tsung of the Ming Dynasty. In the Majapahit, Ma Huan see that almost all the men in the land use pulak, since childhood, even since I was three years old. The so-called pulak by Ma Huan is a sort of dagger straight or winding. Ayang obvious question is keris.Kata Ma Huan in laoparan it: These daggers have very thin stripes and within flowers and made of very best steel; the handle is of gold, rhinoceros, or ivory, cut into the shapeof human or devil faces and finished carefully.

This report proves that at times it has been known technique of making stabbing weapon with a decorative picture of prestige with very thin stripes and whitish flowers. This weapon is made with prime quality steel. The handle, or upstream, made of gold, rhinoceros horn, or gading.Tak Inevitably, of course, that meant Ma Huan is a dagger in his report that we know today.

Images arise about how to make kris, can be witnessed in Sukuh, on the slopes of Mount Lawu, on the border of Central Java and East Java. On the moon sengkala Memet in the temple, read the figure in 1316 Saka or 1439 AD.

Ways of making kris described in the temple was not much different from the way of making kris dagger today. Good working equipment, hammer and bellows, as well as his work in the form of the kris, spears, kudi, etc.  



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