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history of prophet adam a.s

After God swtmenciptakan earth with mountains, seas, oceans and plant vegetation, created the heavens with the sun, moon and the stars that shine creates his angels spirits is a kind of worship yangdiciptakan to mediate between the substance of the Almighty by servant servants of the apostles and prophets, especially then it was the will of Allah swt to create the kind of creatures that will inhabit the earth and keep enjoying the fill-growing vegetation, which manages property in them and breed-hereditary heir inherits all the time that was destined for him.
Kekhuatiran of Angels.

The angels when notified by Allah swt His will to create another creature, they will not worry if God created other creatures that, due to their negligence kecuaian or in worship and performing their duties or because of their transgressions without disadari.Berkata them to God Almighty: "O Lord us! Why would God create a being other than us, but we always glorify, bertahmid, to worship and glorify thy name without ceasing, that God's will is being created and sent down to earth, nescaya will fight each other, will kill-kill each other fighting over control of natural resources visible on it and buried in it, so it will pass the damage and destruction on the earth that God created it.

God said, eliminating kekhuatiran the angels:
"I know what you do not know and I'm the one who knows the wisdom of the Children of Adam's mastery over the earth-Ku.Bila I have to create it and breathed his spirit, ye prostrate before the new creature as a tribute and not as a prostration of worship, as Allah swt forbade his servants to worship his fellow creatures. "
Then Adam was created by God swtdari lump of clay, dried and refined black mud shape berbentuk.Setelah ditiupkanlah spirit of God's creation into it and stand it upright into the perfect man

Satan rebelled.

Satan rebelled and reluctant to obey the commands of Allah like other angels, who immediately prostrate before Adam as a tribute to the creatures of God who will be given the mandate rule the earth with all that lives and grows on it and buried in dalamnya.Iblis felt himself more noble , more mainstream and more glorious than Adam, because he was created from the element of fire, while Adam from the soil and lumpur.Kebanggaannya with its origins, makes him feel proud and bowing low to honor Adam as the other angels, though ruled by God.

The Lord said to Satan: "What's stopping you bow down to respect something that I created with my hands?"
He said: "I was more noble and superior dia.Engkau created me from fire and created him from mud."
Because of pride, arrogance and defiance are commanded to prostrate, God punish Satan to cast out of Paradise and out of line with the angels and cursed with a curse that will attach to the side kiamat.Di pd.dirinya until the day he declared the inhabitants of hell.
Satan boasted well received God's punishment, and he begged him to eternal life are given the opportunity to come back in the day of resurrection kiamat.Allah ditangguhkanlah petition and pass it until the day of resurrection, not grateful and thankful for the provision of a guarantee that, on the contrary he threatened to mislead Adam, as for her expulsion from Paradise and the issuance of the line of angels, and will overtake the children of the offspring from every angle to convince them to leave the straight and with a false path, and getting them to do immoral things are forbidden, tempting them to neglect the commands of religion and persuade them to not be thankful and pious charity.

Then God said to Satan, that cursed:
"Go thou with followers followers that everything will be the contents of Hell and neraka.Engkau fuel will not be helpless misled My servants who have believed in me with all her heart and has a steady aqeedah that will not be shaken by your line even if you using all kepandaianmu demagoguery and slander. "

Adam Knowledge About Objects Names.

God wanted to eliminate the low assumption of angels to Adam and convince them of the truth of his wisdom appointed Adam as ruler of the earth, then diajarkanlah to Adam the names of objects in the universe, then diperagakanlah the objects in front of the angels said,: "just try to mention my name these objects, if you really feel better to know and understand more than Adam. "
The angels of God was powerless to meet opposition for calling the names of objects that are in front of non-sanggupan mereka.Mereka acknowledge them by saying:
"Blessed be Thou! Surely we have no knowledge of anything except what God solicitation t our.Sesungguhnya Thou Knower and the Wise."

Adam and commanded by God to tell the names of the angels and then told by Adam, God said to them: "Did I not tell you bahawa rahsia I know the heavens and the earth and know what ye reveal and what ye hide. "

Inhabiting Adam Paradise.

Adam was given a place by God in Paradise and Eve were created to accompany him and became his friend, relieve loneliness and complete for the purposes of developing a hereditary nature. According to the story of the ulamat Eve were created by God from one of Adam's rib on the left at a time when he was still asleep so that when he awoke, he saw Eve was in sampingnya.ia asked by the angel: "O Adam! What and who are beings who are in next to it? "

Adam said: "A woman." In keeping with the nature of which has been inspired by God to him. "What's his name?" Asked the angel again. "Eve", said Adam. "Why would God create these creatures?", Asked the angel again.
Adam replied: "For there for me, give me happiness in my life and fill purposes in accordance with the will of God."

God commanded to Adam: "Abide thou with thy wife in Paradise, experience the pleasures abound in it, Taste and eat fruits lazat herein nasfumu.Kamu your heart's content at will and will not suffer or feel hungry, thirsty or tired as long as you are but I remind dalamnya.Akan not eat the fruit of this tree that will cause you harm and includes people who zalim.Ketahuilah bahawa devil is your enemy and the enemy of your wife, she would try to persuade you and drag you out of Paradise so there goes the happiness that you were this delicious. "
In accordance with the threats uttered by the gods when expelled from Paradise due to defiance and also driven by jealousy and envy toward Adam is the cause until he was cursed and damned forever excluded from singgahsana kebesarannya.Iblis began to show the design penyesatannya to Adam and Eve are living together in Paradise that serene, peaceful and happy.
a claim to them was that it was their friends and like to give advice and guidance to perpetuate the good and happiness mereka.Segala way and fine words used by the devil to gain the trust of Adam and Eve that it was really honest in their advice and guidance to . He whispers to them bahwa.larangan God told them to eat fruits that are designated by eating the fruit because they will be transformed into an angel and will be live-repeat kekal.Diulang persuasion by showing that the tree will smell the fragrance of forbidden fruit, and the beautiful form lazat rasanya.Sehingga ultimately termakanlah that delicate coaxing by Adam and Eve and God dilanggarlah ban.
od denounced what they did and said that meant: "Do I not prevent you approach the tree and eat of the fruit and I would not have reminded you that Satan is your enemy bahawa real."
Adam dan Hawa mendengar firman Allah itu sedarlah ia bahawa mereka telah terlanggar perintah Allah dan bahawa mereka telah melakukan suatu kesalahan dan dosa besar.Seraya menyesal berkatalah mereka:"Wahai Tuhan kami! Kami telah menganiaya diri kami sendiri dan telah melanggar perintah-Mu karena terkena bujukan Iblis.Ampunilah dosa kami karena nescaya kami akan tergolong orang-orang yang rugi bila Engkau tidak mengampuni dan mengasihi kami." 
Adam and Eve Descended to Earth.

God has received the repentance of Adam and Eve and forgive offenses deeds they have done things which have relieved their chest pain and sadness caused by negligence of the Lord's warning about falling prey to the devil so that persuasion and sweet but berancun rayuannya it.
Adam and Eve were at peace again after receiving the forgiveness of God and will keep not to be fooled again by the devil and will attempt to breach that has been done and the cause and the rebuke of God's wrath be teaching for them both to be more careful with guile and persuasion itu.Harapan accursed devil to stay on in Paradise that has faded due to violations of orders acts of God, alive in the hearts and minds of Adam and Eve who feel pleasure and happiness of their lives in Paradise will not be distracted by something and bahawa Redha and blessings of Allah be remain abundant in the top of them to over-lamanya.Akan but God has determined in what his destiny did not cross your heart and not by their terfikirkan. Swtyang God has determined the destiny of his bahawa earth full of wealth to be managed, will be controlled by the human descendants of Adam and Eve Adam ordered down to earth as the first seed of his servants who was named man of God itu.Berfirmanlah to them: "Come down you down to earth than most of you an enemy to some others you can stay still and live disan until the appointed time. "
Adam and Eve descended to earth to face a new way of life far different from life in Paradise had ever experienced and that will not be repeated kembali.Mereka have to live in this mortal world with the joys and sorrows of mankind and will lower its diverse nature and temperament of different skin color and human intelligence will otaknya.Umat in groups into tribes and nations in which one becomes the other enemies kill each other-kill-menganianya persecuted and oppressed, oppressive, so from time to time God sent His prophets and messengers of His servants to lead him to the straight path of peace love among human beings the way that leads to his Redha and human happiness in the world and the hereafter.
The story of Adam in the Quran.
Al_Quran tells the story of Adam in several chapters of which Al_Baqarah sura 38 verse 30 to verse 11 and sura Al_A'raaf paragraph so that 25
There are teaching the story of Adam.
Bahawasanya wisdom contained in the commandments and prohibitions of Allah and in what is sometimes not created or not enumerated by the human brain can be achieved even by his closest creatures as has been experienced by the angels when he was told bahawa God would create people - descendants of Adam to be a caliph in the earth so that they seemed to mind and to wonder why and for what kind of creatures God created other than those who have diligently obedient worship, glorify, bertahmid and glorify His name.
sesungnguh man although he had dikurniakan kecergdsan fikiran thinking and mental strength and he still has some weakness in him as the nature of neglect, forget, and khilaf.Hal which has happened to Adam that although he had become a perfect human being and dikurniakan privileged position in Paradise he still was not devoid of human nature is weak and neglected itu.Ia have forgotten God's warning to him about the forbidden tree and the devil is the enemy and the enemy of all his descendants, so caught up in deception and there was a first offense committed by a human prohibition against God.

Bahawasanya someone who has already done vice and sin he should not despair of God's mercy and forgiveness as long as he is conscious of his guilt and repent will not do kembali.Rahmat maghfirah his gods and interchangeable covers all sins done by his servant unless Shirk no matter how big sin as long as consciousness is followed by repentance and recognition errors.
Cocky and arrogant nature always brings a result of the loss and the fall of Satan kebinasaan.Lihatlah singgahsananya dilucutkan position as an angel and was expelled from Paradise by God and cursed with a curse that will be attached to him until the Day of Judgment because of his arrogance and kebanggaaannya with its origin so that he thought and looked down to Prophet Adam, and refuse to bow down his honor, although commanded by Allah swt.


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