Jacob or Israel lived in Egypt since he came to see her son, Joseph. When he died they buried him in the place where he was born in Palestine. Children of Israel prefer to live in Egypt at the side of Joseph. Egyptian state, which is a lot of goodness, worthiness soil, and the harmony of the climate is the main attraction for them to stay in it. Children of Israel lived in Egypt within the tolerable. They married so that they increased greatly. Gone year after year and then Joseph died. Yusuf Islam had changed when he came to power. Joseph fight for Islam and every prophet sent by Allah surely fight for Islam since the Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad. Understanding Islam here is, the Oneness of Allah and solely to worship Him, ask Him for help, and pray to Him. Islam also means giving up the intention and charity solely to Allah SWT. Thus we understand or that we mean from the word al-Islam, not a social system brought by the last Prophet, the Prophet Muhammad. This system is an extension of the social systems that brought the prophets. So, the essence of the faith and did not differ from the Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad.When Joseph became ruler of Egypt and the chief ministers of religion in Egypt turned into the religion of monotheism or Islam. Prophet Yusuf called on people to convert to Islam when he was in prison when he said:"Which is good, gods assortment it or God Almighty, Almighty (QS.Yusuf: 39)And he prayed on a day when his dream come true:"Wafatkanlah I was in a state of Islam and Combine me with the righteous." (Qur'an, Yusuf: 101)
And when Joseph Died, Egyptian monotheism change the system to a multi god for the second time. According to a strong suspicion that this is manifested by the intervention groups of the ruling elite. Elite groups this- when under the religion of monotheism-they do not get a preferential treatment or distinguished by the general public, so therefore they have an interest to restore the system of worship multiple gods. Then the public follows the worship of the Pharaoh system. And finally, the Egyptian Pharaoh led families and they claim that they are god or gods or representatives of the people who speak in the name of god.Basically, Egyptian society is a civilized society. They are preoccupied with the development of civilization. They have a strong religious tendency. And perhaps groups of Egyptian society believe that the Pharaoh is not a god, but Because they got a tough challenge from Pharaoh and Pharaoh did not want from kaurnnya except that they stick to it so that they were forced to hide Reviews their faith in Themselves. Tus, Reviews their false gods aplenty in Egypt. It can be understood is, that Pharaoh had mastered all sorts of gods, and he hinted to him and spoke on his behalf. That is very clear in Egypt. When there is a system of multi-god in Egypt-even though people believe the main god, the pharaoh-elite ruling limiting it to only worship Pharaoh and carry out his orders and ask justify arbitrary. We will know and we will open the scrolls of Moses how the Egyptian community living in his day. The majority of the time people get tremendous abjection and wrongfully treated. They must comply fully to Pharaoh. They are always threatened by the torturers of Pharaoh and his soldiers.God Tells Pharaoh who lived in the time of Moses in His word:"Then he Gathered (princes) and then called out to his people (saying): 'I am your Lord the most
high.'" (QS. An-Nazi'at: 23-24)Humans when it is totally submissive to the statement of the unbelievers. Perhaps it's Because they obey Pharaoh forced words. Egypt re-using the multi god after a Previously irradiated by monotheism voiced by the Prophet Joseph. Meanwhile, Jacob's sons or children of Israel they have deviated from monotheism. They Followed the Egyptians. Few of the families of Reviews those who still retain the monotheistic religion in secret
Come on Children of Israel a period in which they are more and more widespread. They do a variety of jobs, and they meet Egyptian markets. Gone day by day. Egypt was ruled by a king fierce in which the Egyptians worship it. This wicked king saw the Children of Israel increasingly numerous and growing and taking important positions. King of the Children of Israel heard talk about vague news in the news where it is said that one of the sons of Bani Israel will drop Pharaonic Egypt from his pedestal. Perhaps the news comes from a dream of mimipi-dream or a dream life that surrounds real heart oppressed minority, and perhaps it is a tidbit mentioned in their books. Whatever the case, this news has reached the ears of Pharaoh.Then Pharaoh issued an order that strange, that should not be one of the Children of Israel who gave birth to a child. The purpose of this command is, let every child who is born of the kind of men were killed. This rule was implemented. But economic experts said to Pharaoh: The old men of the Children of Israel will die according to their deaths, while her little children slaughtered then this will end in the destruction and the destruction of the Children of Israel, but Pharaoh would lose wealth and human assets to work for him or be slaves and women can no longer holds. So the best thing is, let conducted a process as follows: Boys slaughtered in the first and let them be left in the following year. Pharaoh agrees with this in mind because it was more profitable from an economic standpoint.Moses' mother containing Aaron in the year in which small children are not killed so she gave birth to her openly. When it comes years defined therein that small children should be killed, she gave birth to Moses. When Moses gave birth, the mother felt a tremendous fear. He worried that perhaps her son would be killed. Then the mother suckled by stealth. Then comes a blessed night in which Allah revealed to him:"Dam We inspired the mother of Moses:" Breastfeed him and if concerned against the jatuhkalah it into the river (Nile). And do not worry about danjanganlah (also) grieve, for We will return it to you, and make (one) of the apostles. ' "(Qur'an, al-Qasas: 7)Hearing the revelation of Allah SWT and heard the call of a loving and holy this, Moses' mother immediately comply. He was ordered to make a small crate for Moses. After suckled, he put it in the casket. Then he went to the banks of the Nile and throw it on the water. The heart of the mother is the most loving hearts in the world. His heart was filled with pain as he threw her in the river, but he realized that Allah is Compassionate to Moses compared to her. Allah is more loved than with him. Allah is the Lord and the Lord of the Nile
Not long ago it touches the coffin of the Nile so that the Creator issued instructions to the stream to be calm and be gentle with the baby he was carrying that one day will be the prophet. As Allah ordered the fire to cool and bring salvation to Abraham, as well as Allah commanded Musa Nile in order to bring peace and gentleness so as to hand it to Pharaoh's palace. The water of the Nile brought this glorious casket to the palace of Pharaoh. There waves hand it over to the waterfront then he willed to the shoreline. And the wind said to the grass to sleep on the side of the crate: Thou shalt not move much because Moses was sleeping. The grass was also obey the command of Musa wind and stay asleep.On that day, the sun shining on Pharaoh's palace. Pharaoh's wife out berjalanjalan in the palace gardens as usual. We do not know what the hell was making a long walk and a longer distance away from the usual in the sails.Pharaoh's wife in stark contrast to the Pharaoh. Pharaoh was an infidel while his wife is a believer. Pharaoh is a stubborn while his wife is a lover. Pharaoh is a villain while his wife is a gentle and loving. In addition, his wife feel anguish because he has not been able to bear children. He longed to have a child. Pharaoh's wife stopped at the side of the garden and then the scent that comes from trees that spread a feeling of sadness will be a sense of loneliness. At the same time, women who had helped him meet the places of water taken from the river. Suddenly they found crates on the side of their foot. They carry the coffin as before to the Pharaoh's wife. He was ordered to open it and then they open it. How shocked when he saw Moses Pharaoh's wife in it. So he felt that he loved him as his own son. Allah placed in his heart love for Moses so tearfully.Then he brought the casket. Pharaoh's wife tossing Moses, crying. Musa woke up and she was crying. Moses looked hungry he needed milk in the morning and still crying. Pharaoh sitting on the dining table. He is looking forward to his wife but that the wait is not present. Pharaoh began to get angry and look for it. Suddenly he was surprised by the arrival of his wife by bringing Moses. Pharaoh's wife seemed very fond of her. He kept kissing and tears with tears. Pharaoh asked, "where did this little boy?" Then they told him that they found in a crate on the riverbank. Pharaoh said: "This is one of the sons of Bani Israel. As a rule, children born this year to be killed." Hearing decision Pharaoh, Pharaoh's wife screaming, and he hugged Moses harder:"The wife of Pharaoh: '(He) is careful eye Conditioning me and to you. Do not kill him, hopefully he is helpful hepada iajadi us or we may adopt a child.'" (Qur'an, al-Qasas: 9)
Pharaoh looked astonished to see the action clutching his wife's little boy they found in the river bank. Pharaoh looked stunned as she wept with joy in which the Pharaoh was never found his wife crying for joy like this. Pharaoh began to learn that his wife loved this child as their own. Pharaoh said to him: Perhaps he remembers that he was not able to give birth to a child and wanted this child. Finally, Pharaoh agreed on what is said by his wife. Pharaoh fulfilling his wish and agreed to educate these children in court.
When he heard the approval of Pharaoh, they found tremendous joy in his wife's face. Pharaoh had never seen such joy. Pharaoh has presented a wide variety of gifts to him, as well as jewelry and slaves but he has never smiled in spite of all. Pharaoh thought that his wife does not understand the meaning of a smile. And now, Pharaoh saw his own face filled with smiles cheerfulness. Meanwhile, Moses began to cry because of hunger. Pharaoh's wife learned that Moses was hungry. He said to Pharaoh: "My son is small'm hungry." Pharaoh said: 'Bring him women who breastfeed. " Then be brought to him a woman breast-feeding from the palace. The woman tried to breastfeed Moses, but what happened? Moses rejected. Then the woman who brought the second to the third and to the tenth but Moses still crying and does not want to nurse to none of them. Given this fact, Pharaoh's wife crying because they could not see the suffering of the little boy. He did not know what to do.Pharaoh's wife is not just the only one who feels sad and crying, the mother of Moses is another woman who feels sad and crying. When he threw Moses into the Nile, he feels that he is throwing her baby in the river. Then the coffin was thrown lost water carried by rivers and the news was hidden. And when it came time in the morning, Moses' mother felt the sadness that always haunt him. She almost went to Pharaoh's palace to get his son's news were it not for Allah SWT trim the peace in his heart so he handed his affairs to Allah SWT. As a result, he said to the sister of Moses, "Go in peace to the palace of Pharaoh, and try to get news of Moses and you shall be careful lest they mengetahuimu." Then the sister of Moses go quietly. Finally, he listened to the story of Moses perfectly. He saw Moses from a distance and listen to the voice crying. He saw them in a state of confusion in which they do not know how to feed him. He heard that Moses refused every woman who tries to feed him.Sister of Moses says to Pharaoh's guards: "Do you want me to show you a family who could feed him and nurture him." Pharaoh's wife said: "If you can bring it to us women to breastfeed and nurture undoubtedly we will give you a great gift. That is something that you wish would be fulfilled." Then the sister of Moses it back and bring his mother. The mother nursed and Moses was feeding quietly. Seeing this, Pharaoh's wife was very excited and said: "Bring him so that future penyusuannya completed, and return him to us and we will give you a big reward on breastfeeding and education that you give."Thus Allah restore him to his mother that he was happy and his heart will be calm and not grieve and that she knows that the promise of Allah correctly and that His commandments and His provision certainly done despite the many obstacles and challenges. Allah says
"And being kosonglah heart of Moses' mother. Indeed, she almost reveals the secret of Moses, if not We give him, so he was among those who believe (to the promises of God.) And said the mother of Moses to Moses' brother were women: 'Follow him . ' So helihatanlah him Moses from afar, while they did not know, dam We prevented Moses from suckling to the women who want to breastfeed (it) before it; then said, brother of Moses: 'Will you ahu show you ahlubait who would care for you and mereha can applies both to him? '. so, We restored him to his mother, so excited his heart and not sorrow, and that he knew that the promise of Allah is true, but most people do not know. " (QS. Al-Qasas: 10-13)Moses' mother breastfeeding enhance it and give it to the house of Pharaoh. At that time Moses loved and liked by everyone. Allah says:And I would have assigned you the love that comes from me; and that ye brought up under the supervision of Me. "(QS.Thaha: 39)
Nobody who saw Musa unless he would love her. Moses was educated in the largest palace under the guidance and care of Allah SWT. Moses education begins in the home of Pharaoh in which there are educational experts and teachers. Egypt when it is a large country in the world and the Pharaoh as the most powerful king. Therefore, simply Pharaoh rnampu gather education experts and scholars. Thus the wisdom of Allah Ta'ala that Moses educated under a great education and dealt with education experts trained. Ironically, this happened at his home that someday will be destroyed in his hand, as a form of execution of the orders of Allah.Moses grew in the house of Pharaoh. He studied arithmetic, engineering, chemistry, and language. He slept under the guidance of religion. Therefore, Moses did not hear gossip that is said by the educators about the divinity of Pharaoh. He rarely hear that Pharaoh was a god. He also dismissed the statement and this assumption. He lived with Pharaoh in the house. He knows more than anyone else that Pharaoh's just a human being but he wrongdoers. Moses knew that he was not the son of the Pharaoh. He was one of the Children of Israel. He witnessed how guards oppressive Pharaoh and his followers were the Children of Israel. Finally, Moses grew up and reached his strength.When the guards inattentive him, Moses entered the city. Musa stroll around town. Then Moses found a man of the followers of Pharaoh, who was fighting with someone from the Children of Israel. Then someone who is weaker than the two of them ask for help to him. Musa also intervene in the affair. Moses pushing with his hands a man who did are persecuting. It turned out that Moses killed him. At that time Moses was known as a strong person to the extent that at a stroke just to break up the enemy, he would kill her. Certainly Moses did not deliberately to kill him. But what happened? The man fell and then died. Moses said to him: It is Satanic. Indeed, it is misleading and the real enemy. Then Moses prayed to his Lord and said: "My Lord, I have wronged myself so forgive me." Allah also forgives. He is the Forgiving and Merciful. Allah says:"And when Moses was old enough and perfect wits, We gave him wisdom prophethood and knowledge. And thus do We reward those who do good. And Moses went into town (Memphis) when the population was weak, then he found in the city the two men were fighting; that one of his class (Children of Israel) and one from his enemies (the Pharaoh). then the people of the faction seeking help from him, to beat the people from their enemies and Moses punched him, and died the enemy was. He said: 'it is satanic. satan is an enemy that is misleading again real (hostility). Moses prayed: "my Lord, indeed I have wronged myself so forgive me.' So God forgave him, verily He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. He said: 'O my Lord, for thou hast bestowed favors me, may I not going to be a helper to people in sin.' "(Qur'an, al- Qasas: 14-17)Then Moses was afraid in the middle of the city and feel threatened. In this verse described how Moses felt the fear in which he feared evil will come to him at every step, and he was so sensitive to see the movements in the vicinity. Moses then showed tremendous mental shock. Actually Moses only wanted to defend himself when helping someone from the Children of Israel. When the Prophet Moses push with his hand and aimed at separating Egypt from Israel but he was actually killed him.In positive law stated that such killings are considered as a homicide because of carelessness or because the fault is not due to intentional factor that karenannya concerned are not going to get a severe punishment. Usually the person who committed the murder involuntarily will get a decision that relieve it because he kills without intent. Of course this kind of incident can not be considered as an intentional killing because he did not want to harm others. Moses did not hit him. Which he did just pushed it. Or in other words, Moses simply get rid of the person. We will know that Moses was another mirror of the Prophet Abraham. Both of the ulul Azmi, but Abraham is a mirror
The Egyptians were fighting with Israel knew that Moses was a murderer Egyptians whose body they were found yesterday. Egyptian security forces did not have revealed the murder case. Finally, Moses revealed the secret and an Egyptian man who believed came from across the city. He whispered to Moses that there was a plan to kill him. He advised Moses to leave Egypt as soon as possible.Allah says:"Therefore, be Moses in the city was afraid waiting with worry (as a result of his actions), then all of a sudden people are asking for help yesterday screaming for help to him. Moses said to him: 'Thou art truly the perverse real (apostasy). Then tat-kala Moses holding hard man is an enemy to both of them, the enemy said: 'O Moses, do you intend to kill me, as you yesterday killed a man? You walkin intends but wanted to be doers of arbitrary in the country (this), There is not you want to be one of those people who make peace. ' And there came a man from the other end of town in a hurry and said: 'O Moses, indeed magnifying were negotiating over you. Lo! I am among those who give advice to you.' "(Qur'an, al-Qasas: 18-20)God hides us the name of the man who came to remind Moses. But in our opinion, he is an Egyptian man who certainly has particularly important positions. In accordance with the verse, he was aware of any conspiracy to remove Moses from a high position. If he had one who was mediocre then that person does not know him. People knew that Moses was not entitled to get legal suicide of his sins. Moses killed because of a mistake, not because of intentional factor. Such errors according to Egyptian law which formerly punished with imprisonment. Then, why the desire to kill Moses? If we heed the advice of his Egyptian-facing ter Moses then we will find the answer. That is what he said: "The princes are planning a conspiracy to get rid of you."Al-Mala 'is rulers or the officials in charge of security. They prepared a conspiracy to get rid of Moses. What was done by Musa- if it is regarded as a fault-is that only ordinary crimes prosecuted by imprisonment. Then who makes such a plan, and who is pushing for plotting to kill him? We think that the Egyptian security chief does not like Moses. He knew that Moses was a member of the Children of Israel. He knew that the arrival of crates in Pharaoh's palace is a fabrication designed by the enemies who want his position. This means that because of his error and his ketelodaran children. How many times a person was counseled and encouraged Moses to Pharaoh killed but it denies that thought. And when it comes time determined to kill Moses, Pharaoh actually subject to his wife who loved Moses.Finally, there is the golden opportunity in front of him. Aides told him that Moses killed an Egyptian who they found his body yesterday. Finished this affair. Then came the orders and opportunity to kill Moses. People who hate Moses began to get wind of excitement where they would see Moses killed, but Allah sent an Egyptian who is good to remind Musa that ran from the pursuit of the wrong-doers.Allah says:"So Moses went out of the city with fear waiting with worry, he prayed:" My Lord, save me from the people who did wrong. ' "(Qur'an, al-Qasas: 21)Moses left the city and become displaced persons. Moses leave in a state of fear and alert while Moses always prayed about himself: "My Lord, save me from those who do wrong." The was indeed the wrong-doers. They want to impose for murder by intentionally over Moses, but Moses did not do other than trying to separate the fight but he had accidentally killed him. Moses leave Egypt. He no longer goes to the palace of Pharaoh, and did not change his clothes, and he did not bring food for the trip. He did not bring the animal mounts can deliver. He did not go with a caravan. He threw away when getting the news from a believer who reminded him of the threat of Pharaoh.Moses through an unusual path through which ordinary people. Moses entered the desert and he was heading to a place in which Allah guide him. This is the first time he came out and wade through the desert alone. Came to Moses in a te
"And when he is facing the direction of the country Madyan he prayed (again): 'Hopefully my Lord led me to the right path.' And when he got to the water source land of Midian he found there a group of people who were to drink (livestock), and he found in the back of the crowd, two women who are anchored (livestock) Moses said: 'Do you mean (by doing so )? ' The two women said: 'We were not able to drink (our flocks), before herding-herders were repatriated (livestock), was the father of us are parents who have advanced in years.' So Moses watered the cattle to (help) them, and then he went back into the shade and prayed: 'My Lord, I really need a good that Thou hast revealed to me.' "(Qur'an, al-Qasas: 22-24)Let us for a moment tinggakan Moses who was sitting in the shade of a tree and then we see what happened to the two girls. Both the girl returned to her father's house. The father asked: "Today you back sooner than usual?" The oldest girl said: "Indeed we were very lucky today, O father, we were met by a noble man who brought water to our animals before others take it." The father said: "Thank God." The youngest girl said: "O my father I think he comes from a distant place and seemed he was hungry. I saw him in a state of exhaustion even though he was a strong man."The father said to his daughter: Go, and say to him, my dad actually call you to give you a reward for your righteousness bring me some water. Then the girls went to see Moses in a state of heart palpitations. The woman was standing in front of Moses and delivered a letter from his father. Moses got up from his seat and his eyes downcast. Moses did not intend to bring water to them with the aim expect from their wages. He helped them solely because of Allah SWT. He felt within himself that Allah was the one who directed him to help them.The girl was walking in front of Moses, then wind and touch his clothes so that Moses bowed his eyes because they feel embarrassed. Moses said to him: "I will go before you, and show me the way." They arrived at the residence of the father. Most commentators say that the father is the Prophet Shoaib. He received a long life after the death of his people. There are also saying that the father was the son of the brother Shoaib. Some say that he was the son of his uncle, and some are saying that he is a man of his kind believer. Clearly, he is a godly parents. The old man told Moses to serve lunches and asked him where he came from, and then to where he was going.Moses expressed his story. The old man said to him, do not worry and do not be afraid. You will be saved from those who do wrong. This country is not subject to the Egyptians, and they will not get here. Listening to it, Moses became quiet and got up to leave. One girl said to her father in a whisper: "O my father, give him his reward." Surely you will reward to a strong and honest. The father asked him: "How do you know he's a strong man?" Her daughter said: "My own view he raised the stone that is not able to be appointed by ten men." The father asked again: "How do you know that he is an honest person." The woman replied: "He refused to walk behind me and she walked in front of me so he did not see me when I walk, and during the trip when I talked to him, he always bowed his eyes to the ground as a shame and a good adab from him."
Then the old man looked at Moses and said to him: "O Musa, I want menikahkanmu with one daughter. On condition, you shall work mengembala goat with me for eight years. If you complete ten years then it is a mercy from you. I do not want menyusahkannmu . Indeed, God willing, you shall find me of the righteous. " Moses said: "This is an agreement between me and you and God as a witness to our agreement, I'd do the job for eight years or ten years. After that, I was free to go anywhere."Allah says:"Then came to Moses, one of the women was walking shyly, he said: 'Indeed, my father calls you that he gave replies to (kindness) you give the drink (cattle) us.' And when he came to his father (Shoaib) and told him the story (about her), Shoaib said: 'Do not be afraid. You have survived from those who did wrong.' One of the two women said: 'O my father, take it as people who work (on us), because actually the nicest guy you take to work (on us) was a strong person more trustworthy. Said he (Syu 'disgrace):' Indeed, I intend to wed one of my sons is, on the basis that you work with me eight years and if you're both ends ten years then it is (a goodness) from you, then I do not want to overwhelm you. and God willing you will find me among those who are good. ' He (Moses) said: 'It (the agreement) between me and you. Whichever of the two specified time I fulfill, then no additional demands on me (again). And Allah is witness to what I say.' " (QS. al-Qasas: 25-28)When it comes to this story, many pens scattered to get answers to questions that tried to break through vagueness. They asked about the daughter who married Moses is the daughter of the greatest or most little girls, and Moses chose to work past eight years or ten years. In fact, they deliver a wide range of history and stories that they believe to be true. We ourselves believe that Moses is married with one daughter of the old man, but we do not know who he is and what his name is. We believe that he is married to the girl who called him to meet his father. Then that girl who suggested his father to give her wages.Al-Qur'an al-Karim in the context of the verse form of admiration which reveal hidden behind her against Moses. Perhaps the parents to know that his daughter put love for Moses, and perhaps when talking about marriage to Moses, he submitted fully Moses freedom to choose. Perhaps Moses choose which girl he enthuses. But, who is the girl chosen by Moses: if the girl is the oldest or most little girls? Clearly the Qur'an does not mention it, even though he only hinted to him in his words:"Then came to Moses, one of the women was walking shyly." (QS. Al-Qasas: 25)Likewise, Al-Qur'an al-Karim did not mention the time spent by Moses as he worked: whether ten years or he had enough with eight years. We ourselves believe according to the custom of Moses and his generosity as well as his prophetic as well as its position as one of the prophets ulul Azmi that he chose the longest period, ie ten years. Opinion was also supported by the hadith of Ibn Abas.So Moses served the old man for ten full years. Work is limited to Moses out of the house in the morning to mengembala goats. We think that the ten-year period spent by Moses in Midian is a provision that is designed by Allah SWT. Musa based on religion Jacob. His grandfather was Jacob and Jacob was the grandson of Abraham. Thus, Moses was the grandson of Abraham and all the prophets that came after Ibrahim comes from sulbinya. So from this we understand that Moses was on the religion of his father and grandfather-father-grandfather.Moses is based on Islam and the religion of monotheism. Moses spent the past ten years in a state far away from his people and his family. Period of ten years this is the most important time in his life. It is a great preparation period. On each night of Moses contemplating the stars. Moses followed the rising of the sun and sinking. At every afternoon Musa think of herbs: how he divides land and bloom. Moses observed the water: how he turned the earth after it was dead earth, and the earth it becomes a place
Moses said to his wife: "Tomorrow we will begin a trip to Egypt." His wife said to him: "On the way there are a thousand kinds of dangers but tranquility still decorate the face of Moses." Moses' wife remained obedient to Moses. Moses did not know the secret of a quick decision to return to Egypt after ten years, she went to escape, then why now he is back there? Does he miss his mother and brother? Did he think to visit Pharaoh's wife who had taught her just like her mother and loved her very much like his own mother? No one knows what comes to Moses when he wanted to return to Egypt. However, we know that Moses guided by divine decrees that he not stepped except on the basis of the assessment.Moses came out with his family and traveling. Moon hiding behind thick clouds, and the darkness rnenyelimuti here and there. Meanwhile, lightning struck very hard and the sky rained down. The weather seemed unfriendly. In the middle of his journey, Moses lost. Moses got two stones cut and then he slammed both his and the swipe-friction both in order to get the fire off him so he can run. But unfortunately, he was not able to do that. Winds blowing extinguish the small fire.Moses stood in confused circumstances and his body seemed to shiver in the middle of his family. Then Moses raised his head and watched something from afar. Something that he witnessed was a huge fire blazing in the distance. Then Moses heart was filled with joy. He said to his family: "I saw the fire in there." Then he ordered them to stay in place so he went to the fire. Perhaps there he was awarded a news or will find someone who can guide him so that he does not get lost, or he can bring most of the flames so that their body is warm.His family saw flames signaled by Moses, but actually they did not see anything. They still stick to it and sit while waiting for the arrival of Moses. Moses moved toward the fire place. Moses immediately runs to warm the body, while his right hand holds a cane and she seemed drenched by rain. Moses kept running until he reached a valley called Thua '. He witnessed something unique in this valley. In the valley there was no cold and no wind. There was only silence. Moses approached the fire. Not long ago, he approached him so he heard a voice calling:"But when he arrived at (a) fire, he was called: 'Blessed is the people who are in the fire, and the people who were in the vicinity. And Glorified be Allah, Lord of the Worlds." (QS. An-Naml: 8)Suddenly Moses stopped and his body shivered. It seemed audible voice and come from all places and ddak comes from a particular place. Moses saw a fire and he again felt a shiver. He found a green tree of thorns and each time the tree was on fire and the fire blazing from it then it is even more green trees. The tree should change color to black when burned, but the strange fire actually increase the green. Moses still shivering even though he felt the warmth and appeared to start sweating.The valley is the valley where Moses stood Thua '. Moses put his hands over his eyes because it was so fierce light. He did that so it was an effort to protect his eyes. Then Moses asked in itself: It is light or fire? Suddenly he fell to the ground as a form of fear, then Allah SWT call:"O Moses." (QS. Ta Ha: 11)Moses lifted his head and said: "Yes." Allah said:"Surely I am your Lord." (QS. Ta Ha: 12)Musa increasingly shivered and said, "Yes, oh my Lord."Allah says: "And verily thou deliver both sandals are in the sacred valley named Thua '." Moses bowed and bowing while her body visibly shaking and he began removing his sandals Allah said:Then leave both terompahmu; Indeed, you are in lembahyangsuci, Tuwa '. "(QS. Ta Ha: 12)
Musa bow and took off both sandals. Then Allah-back said:"And I have chosen you, so listen to what will be revealed (to you). Verily, I am Allah, there is no god (the right) but Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance. Verily the Hour is coming. I keep (the time) so that every soul was rewarded with what diusahahan. so sehali times do not be turned away from it by he who does not believe him and those who follow their lusts, that caused you to perish. " (QS. Taha: 13-16)Musa increasingly shaky when he received divine revelation and during a dialogue with Allah SWT. Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful says:"Whether it is in your right hand, O Moses?" (QS. Ta Ha: 17)Bertambahlah astonishment Moses. Allah SWT is Substance to talk to him and of course he knows better than Moses about what he was holding, then why Allah asked him if he is aware of it. There's no doubt that there is no higher wisdom. Moses answered this question with a voice that seemed mengigigil:"It is my staff, I'm leaning to him, and I'm at (leaves) with him for goats, and for me there again for much else to it." (QS. Ta Ha: 18)Allah says:"Throw it, O Moses!" (QS. Ta Ha: 19)Moses threw his stick out of his hand and a sense of surprise increasingly menjadijadi. Suddenly Moses was shocked when I saw it became a serpent which was great. The snake was moving fast. Moses could no longer hold back his fear. Moses felt his body trembling with fear. Moses turned her fear and she began to run. Not long ago he ran away, not until the two-step, Allah called him:"O Moses, do not fear, indeed the person who made an apostle, not afraid in front of me." (QS. An-Naml: 10)"O Moses, come unto me and do not be afraid. Indeed, you include people safe." (QS. Al-Qasas: 31)Moses was again turned around and stood up. The cane was visibly moved and the snake was still moving. Allah said to Moses:"Hold it! Do not be afraid, we will return it to its original state." (QS. Ta Ha: 21)Moses stretched out his hand to the snake was in a state of shivering. Musa has not had time to touch it so that it becomes a snake stick. Such is the command of Allah happen quickly. Then Allah ordered him:"Masukanlah hand to the neck of your shirt, surely he unblemished white out not because of illness, and dekapkanlah both hands (to the chest) when your fear." (QS. Al-Qasas: 32)Moses put his hand in his pocket and he took it out and suddenly the hand was shining like the moon. Back awe of Moses increases. Then he put his hand on his chest as Allah commanded him that his fear is completely gone.Moses felt calm and silent. Then Allah ordered him-after he saw these two miracles, the miracle of miracles hand and stick-to go see Pharaoh and preaching to him with great tenderness and affection and Allah ordered him to release the Israelites from Egypt. Moses appeared to Pharaoh fears. Moses said that he had killed one of them and he was worried they would kill him and reward him. Moses asks to God and ask Him to send his brother Aaron with him. Allah calming Moses by saying that he would always be with them both. He heard and saw gestures and deeds. Although the famous Pharaoh with his crimes and his strength, but this time Pharaoh will not be able to disturb or harm them. Allah tells Moses that He is the one who will win. Moses prayed and pleaded to God in order to clear space for him and facilitate his business and give him the power of preaching in his path.
Allah says:"What has come to thee the story of Moses? When he saw a fire, and said to his family: 'Stay ye (here), I have seen the fire, hopefully I can bring a little bit of it to you, or I'll get instructions on the spot fire . so when he came to the fire, he was called: O Moses, indeed I am your Lord. then leave both terompahmu; ye are in the sacred valley, Tuwa '. And I have chosen you, so listen to what will be revealed (to you ). Verily, I am Allah, there is no god (the right) but me, so worship me and establish prayer for My remembrance. Verily the Hour is coming. I keep (the time) so that every soul was rewarded with what cultivated. So let not ye ye are turned away from him by a person who does not believe him and those who follow their lusts, that caused you to perish. What is there in the right hand, O Musaf'Ini is my staff, I bertelehan him, and I at (leaves) with him for kambinghu, and to me there is more to her other purposes. ' He said: Throw it, O Moses! ' Then dilemparkanlah stick to it, then suddenly it became a snake quickly. Hold it! Do not be afraid, we will return it to its original condition, and kepitkanlah hands to the armpits, surely it out into a brilliant white without flaw, as a miracle another (also), for we showed you some of the signs we were great. Go to Pharaoh; in fact he had melam-paui limit. he said: 'My Lord, lapangkanlah me my chest, and make it easy for me my business, and deliver rigidity of lidahhu, so that they may understand my words, and make me a helper from my family, (ie) Aaron my brother, courageous with her strength, and let him share my task, so that we may glorify thee, and much remember thee. Truly you is Seer (the state of) us. ' Allah says: 'Verily have allowed permintanmu, O Moses.' And We have a favor to you at other times, when we revealed to your mother an inspired, namely: Put he (Musa) in the crate, then throw it into the river (Nile), then surely the river took him to the edge, so taken by (Pharaoh) my enemy and his enemy. ' And I would have assigned you the affection that comes from Me; and ye brought up under my supervision. (It is) when saudammu the women walked, he said to (the family of Pharaoh): 'May I show you the people who will keep him? ' Then we return you to your mother, so excited his heart and not sorrow. And you never killed a man, then We delivered you from distress and We try you with some of the trials; and you lived for several years among the inhabitants of Madyan, then you come by time set O Moses, and I have chosen you for me. "(QS. Taha: 9-41)We do not know what we say and what we commentary relating to the word of Allah to one of his servants: "And I have chosen you for Me." Allah has chosen Moses. It is one glory of the summit where there is not someone else in that era were able to accomplish other than Moses. Moses returned to see his family after Allah chose him as the apostle or messenger to preach to the Pharaoh. Finally, the Prophet Moses and kaluarganya walk to get to Egypt. Only Allah knows what thoughts that occurred to Moses when he takes his first steps toward Egypt.Selesailah periods of contemplation and began the days of peace and happiness, and finally came the hard days. So Moses carry the mandate of the truth and went to present it to one of the rulers of the most violent and the most violent and the most evil of his time. Moses knew that Pharaoh was a wicked man. Pharaoh will try to dismiss his message and Pharaoh step would oppose it but Allah ordered him to go to Pharaoh and preaching to him with tenderness and affection. Allah revealed to Moses that Pharaoh will not believe but Moses did not care about that. He was ordered to release the Children of Israel who are being tortured by the Pharaoh.
Allah said to Moses and Aaron:"Then the two of you to him (Pharaoh) and say: 'Verily kdmi both are messengers of your Lord, then the Children of Israel with us and do not abuse them." (QS. Ta Ha: 47)This is a task that is determined, that task would clash with thousands of challenges. Pharaoh tormenting the Children of Israel and made them slaves and forced them to work beyond their capabilities. Pharaoh also tarnish the honor of their women and boys slaughtered them. Moses knew that the Egyptian regime seeks to enslave the Children of Israel and exploit them beyond their abilities for the sake of power. But Moses still treat and confront Pharaoh with great tenderness and affection, as commanded by Allah SWT to him:"Go you both to Pharaoh, surely he has exceeded the limit; then the two of you talk to him with words that are gentle, hopefully he remembers or fear." (QS. Taha: 43-44)Moses told Pharaoh about who actually Allah, of His mercy, on his heaven, and on the obligation of His Oneness and worship Him. He had attempted to evoke aspects of humanity Pharaoh through talks. Pharaoh listened to what was said by Moses with full boredom. Pharaoh imagine that someone in front of him is a mad man who dared to oppose the tilting position. Then Pharaoh raised his hand and spoke: "What do you want, O Moses?" He said: "I want you to liberate the Children of Israel." Pharaoh asked: "Why do I have to free them with you while they are my slaves?" He said: "They are the servants of Allah, the Lord of the universe manager." Pharaoh asked in a mocking tone: "Bukankkah you say your name is Moses?" Moses replied: "Yes." Pharaoh said: "Bukankkah you that we found in the Nile when you are still young and do not have the power and strength? Bukankkah thee Moses, I students in this palace, and then you eat our food and water we drink, and you enjoy the goodness kindness from us? are not you who killed someone and then after that you run? Do not you remember all that? Did not they say that the murder was a kufr? then, you are an infidel and you are a murderer. so you are Moses fled from Egyptian law . you are the one who ran away and avoid justice. and now you come to me and tried to talk to me. you talk about what O Moses. Indeed, I have forgotten. "
Moses understood that Pharaoh remind him about his past and Pharaoh tried to show him that he has been educating and be nice to her. Musa also understand that Pharaoh threatened her with murder. Moses tells Pharaoh that he is not an infidel when he killed an Egyptian, but at that time he did so unintentionally. Moses tells Pharaoh that he fled from Egypt because of their fear of reprisals. Murder committed by him are unintentionally. Moses did not intend to kill someone. Moses told Pharaoh that Allah has given wisdom and making it one of the Apostles. Allah tells part of the dialogue between Moses and Pharaoh in Surah as-Shu'ara 'as his word:"And (remember) when your Lord called Musa (by His words): 'Go to the people who did wrong, (ie) the Pharaoh. Why do they not fear Allah? He said:' My Lord, I fear that they will belie I am. and (therefore) is narrow my chest and my tongue is not smooth then send (Gabriel) to Aaron. and I sinned against them, then I'm afraid they'll kill me. ' Allah says: 'Do not be afraid (they will not be able to kill you), then go you both by bringing our Signs (miracles); verily We are with you listening to (what-what they say). Then the two of you to Fir' aun and say: 'we are the Messengers of the Lord of hosts, the Children of Israel (to go) with us.' Pharaoh replied: 'Did we not take care of you in the (family) us, when you were a kid and you stay with us a few years of your life, and you have done a deed which you did, and you belonged to the parents people who did not reply to. ' He said: 'I have done so, while I at that time, including those who make mistakes. Then I fled from you when I feared thee, hemudian my Lord gives me the knowledge and He made me one of the apostles. "(QS. as-Syu'ara: 10-21)Then arose the emotions of Moses when Pharaoh reminded that he had done well to Moses. Moses got up and spoke to him:"Budi you bestowed me it is (because) you have enslaved the Children of Israel." (QS, ash-Syu'ara: 22)
Moses wanted to tell him, do you think that the blessings that you give me the feeling you have done good to me, where I was one of a man from among the Children of Israel? Do yourself a favor is comparable to the way you treat this great nation in which you enslave them; you employ them in a manner that is arbitrary. If this is the case then logic says that we are balanced: nothing is owed and no borrowing. If not so then who gives a larger share?As a result the problem is propaganda in the cause of Allah, which is a matter that I did not bring you from myself. I'm not a messenger from the people of Bani Israel. I'm not too messenger of myself but I am a messenger of Allah SWT. I am the messenger of God Regulatory universe. At this point Pharaoh began to enter serious talks: Pharaoh asked:"Who is the Lord of the universe?" (QS, ash-Syu'ara ': 23) Moses Responded"Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is in between both of them (that's Lord), if ye (people) trust Him." (QS, ash-Syu'ara ': 24)Pharaoh said to those around him: "Do you not hear?" (QS, ash-Syu'ara ': 25)Moses said to Pharaoh derision and disregard it:"Your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers, the previous peoples." (QS. Asy-Syu'ara ': 26)Pharaoh said to those who came with Moses from the Children of Israel: "Behold Your Messenger is sent to you is really crazy." Moses returned to say and not pay attention to allegations of Pharaoh and ridicule:"Lord of the east and the west and what is between them: (That's Lord) if you used your intellect." (QS. Asy-Syu'ara ': 28)Allah tells part of the dialogue that occurs between Pharaoh and Moses in surah al-Syu'ara ':
"Pharaoh asked: 'Who is the Lord of hosts is that?' Answering Moses: 'Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them (that's Lord), if ye (people) trust Him.' Pharaoh said to those around him: 'Do you not hear?' Moses said: "Your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers, the previous peoples. ' Pharaoh said: 'Behold Your Messenger is sent to you is really oranggila.' He said: 'Tukanyang master the east and the west and what is between them: (That's Lord) if you used your intellect.' "(QS. Asy-Syu'ara ': 23-28)Allah reminds in surah Taha part of events meeting between Pharaoh and Moses. Allah says:"So you came second to him (Pharaoh) and say: 'Surely we both are utnsan Lord, then the Children of Israel with us and do not torment them. Surely we have come to you with a proof (on our apostolate) from your Lord. and safety was bestowed upon those who follow guidance. Indeed, it has been revealed to us that the punishment was (inflicted) upon those who belie and turn away. ' Pharaoh said: 'Who then both of your Lord, O Moses.' He said: 'Our Lord is (God) has given to every form hejadiannya something, then gave him the instructions.' Pharaoh said: 'So how headaan-state of the peoples who once? He said:' The knowledge of it is on the side of my Lord, in a book. God we will not be wrong and will not be wrong (too) forgot. ' " (QS. Taha: 47-52)We note that the Pharaoh did not ask God to Moses on Regulatory nature or God of Moses and Aaron, with the intention of asking the real or questions intended to find out the truth, but the words were thrown Pharaoh solely to mock. Prophet Musa answered with a perfect answer and hit. Moses said: "Our Lord is He who gives something his creation then He guided his creation. He is the Creator. He created the sharing of creatures, and he also guided him in accordance with his needs so that these creatures can live a good life. God SWT- who megerahkan everything; Allah was the one who controlled everything; Allah was the one who knows everything; Allah was the one who sees everything. " Al-Qur'an al-Karim reveal all of it in a simple but solid expression meaning, that is, in his words:"He said:" Our Lord is (God) has given to every form something happened, then gave him instructions. "(QS. Ta Ha: 50)

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